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Ch1.Monkey D. Luffy

1.Monkey D. Luffy 

Age: 19

Birth: 5 May

Heigh: 174 Cm.


Ships:Going Merry&Thousand Sunny

Friendship: Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usoup ,Chopper, Brook, Frenky

Family: Monky D.Garp, Monky D.Dragon, Portgas D.Ace

Clans: Humen

        He is from east blue he traveled out to sea together dissenters the Pirates travel and adventure according to treasure the existing one in the world is called "One Piece"
        He has special powers by eating fruit demons Gomu Gomu (ゴムゴム) makes the body can be flexible.


1.Gear Second

        This technique involves Luffy speeding up the blood flow in all or selected body parts, in order to provide them with more oxygen and nutrients. This makes him much faster and more powerful. The technique uses even more oxygen and energy, using up more food and causing he to pant heavily.

2.Gear Third

    Luffy corks his mouth with his thumb, bites into his thumb joint (making a small opening) and blows very hard into it, which inflates his arm. He is then able to transfer the air through his entire body, requiring the torso to for his various limbs it can make a big arm or leg to use in the attack.

3.Gear Fourth

        Luffy's proportions  his body becomes much larger in size, with his arms, upper torso, and legs coated in Busoshoku Haki. The coating across his torso resemble the wispy ends made from flames, giving it the appearance of tattoos, and he gains shading around the inner and outer edges of his eyes. He also physically grows taller

4.Busoshoku Haki

        allows the user to use their spirit life force to create, in essence, an invisible armor around themselves

5.Haoshoku Haki
        is a rare form of Haki that cannot be attained through training. Only one in several million people have this abilityt his type of Haki allows the user to exert their willpower over others. It is said that whoever possesses this type of Haki has the qualities of a king.

6.Kenbunshoku Haki
      this user can dodge attacks  that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally

Story Detail
He was captain of the Straw Hat Pirates he has a dream wanted to be the king of pirate and his idol is Shanks he wanted to be certain and he drinking sworn brotherhood such as Sabo&Ace and he has  high energy, commitment,love friends and dependable he eat fruit demons Gomu Gomu can apply to join with power and talent thus pulling power to fight high.





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