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Ch.7 Nico Robin


Age: 30

Birth: 6 February

Heigh: 188 cm

Bounty: 130,000,000

Ships:Going Merry&Thousand Sunny

Friendship: Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usoup ,Chopper, Brook, Frenky

Family: Ohara Village

Clans: Humen


      She is the archaeologist of the Straw Hat Pirates. She was originally introduced as the vice president of Baroque Works her dream is to find the Rio Poneglyph which tells the true history

     Nico Robin is a tall, slender, yet athletic woman with shoulder-length black hair. In the manga, she is depicted with brown eyes, with dark, wide pupils. she is depicted with blue, excluding the tenth and the twelfth movie, and she has a long, thin and defined nose. In the anime, Robin's skin tone is slightly darker unlike in manga colored artworks where it is lighter. Robin also resembles her mother greatly, with the exception of her hair color and style as well as having slightly darker skin tone than her. Robin's limbs are very long, especially her legs, contributing greatly to both her fighting capabilities (given the nature of her powers)

        Through her heritage on the island of scholars, Robin is an archaeologist and historian who seeks the comfort and freedom to study the mysteries of the world. She is the quieter, more reserved crew member, rarely having outbursts of emotions (occasional exceptions being sweat drops, and when she cried out to Luffy and the Straw Hats from the Tower of Justice during the Enies Lobby Arc). She even appears calm while speaking ominously around her crewmates. She has an "adult charm" about her, as stated by Sanji. Being described as the "mother" by Oda she in kind has shown maternal care for others like Chopper and Momonosuke.

       Robin has a somewhat macabre side to her, and often points out gross or morbid facts, usually to the disgust of Nami or Usopp. Robin will usually be the first to speculate that a crewmate has met or will meet with a horrible fate, often going into grisly detail. In other instances, she will express enthusiasm for anything with a horror theme. 

       Robin ate a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit called the Hana Hana no Mi at a very young age as she is seen using its powers at the age of eight. Even at this age, she was proficient enough to be able to spy on the research that Professor Clover and the rest of her former colleagues from Ohara were conducting under the radar of the World Government. She can produce her body parts on any surface including her own body, other bodies, and other objects, allowing her to create copies of them. However, her replicated parts are considered an extension of her own body, and if they are hurt, she feels the pain on her actual body. Similarly, Devil fruit abilities that require contact with a person's body will take effect when used on her extended limbs as evidenced by Sugar turning Robin into a toy by touching Robin's replicated arms. Usually, when she uses her powers she crosses her arms and makes an "X" shape across her chest, though it's shown that she does not necessarily need to do so to use her abilities.

     Robin is intelligent enough to know how to use her powers in the most effective and efficient way, and her attacks hinder the enemy, stopping all movement with the ever multiplying hands. Although she is very powerful, her sprouted body parts can be hit and stretched, causing damage to her real body, which is her weak point. Her powers are also very useful in dangerous situations. She can carry her friends by using feet and hands, but also tends to use her ability to place her foes in painful submission holds and to break their bones almost effortlessly.

     Her most common attacks are "Seis Fleur: Twist" (Robin twists the foe's upper body around) and "Ocho Fleur: Flip" (Robin uses a pair of arms that knock over the foe backwards, forms a pair of arms on the ground below them, and when the foe lands on it, two more pairs appear at their legs and head and pull them to the ground) and Clutch (her hands grow out of her opponents back, these hands clasp the targets chin simultaneously pulling the head back and breaking the targets neck, for stronger opponents, she uses more hands and has been seen breaking a person in half). Even when she performs "Cuerpo Fleur : Doble Clutch" she adds 4 more arms to herself and 4 for her clone, making a total of 12 arms with 6 arms for each body. 
       She also can use her ability for a number of support functions such as forming a net to catch falling comrades or form a large number of arms and shape wings, giving her the ability to fly or a few seconds (though after the timeskip its shown she can do so for an extended period of time). She can also transport objects either by growing feet on the object or growing a row of arms with each arm or pair of arms passing the object to the next.

Story Detail 
      Nico Robin was born on the island of Ohara, and came from a family of archaeologists. Her mother, Nico Olvia, went out to sea to find the True History when Robin was two years old, leaving her in the care of Olvia's brother and his wife, Roji. While Robin's father was never revealed, Olvia stated that she will honor her husband's dream, she then left to study the poneglyphs robin later wandered into the Tree of Knowledge and was allowed to read the books held within on Clover's invitation. 
       Roji both verbally and physically abused Robin over menial actions. Roji made it obvious time and time again that Robin was not wanted; she was expected to keep out of sight and she was not allowed to participate in family celebrations.the powers of her Devil Fruit often freaked out or scared the other children, on top of that often she would overhear the conversations of parents telling their children to avoid her at all cost as well as other children calling her a demon her only friends were the scholars at "The Tree of Knowledge", with Professor Clover of the archaeology lab, a friend of her mother, trying to take care of her.
       At only eight years old, she aced an archaeology exam and was officially inducted as a scholar however, when she announced that she, like her mother, wanted to find out the true, unrecorded history of the world, she was reproved by Clover who told her she will get banned from the library if she continued to spy on the other scholars.
        Robin ran off crying and headed to the northwest beach of Ohara, where she met the giant, Jaguar D. Saul, who was washed up on shore. The two became friends and Robin continued to visit him for the following four days, while he built his raft after Saul found out he was on Ohara and figured out that Robin was Olvia's daughter, he informed Robin about the battleships that were on their way to Ohara to destroy due to the scholars studying the Poneglyph
       Nico Olvia had recently escaped off a Marine ship and returned to Ohara (due to Saul's efforts). She informed the archaeologists that her colleagues had been killed by the marines. She told them that the Marines were able to infer that Ohara was their homeland based on the items they possessed on the ship, and they were headed towards Ohara, likely to kill them. The archaeologists, however, refused to leave; they wished to continue to protect the tree and the knowledge they had worked so hard to research and procure. When Olvia was warned that CP9 was on shore, she rushed out of the Tree of Knowledge, running past her daughter without notice
       Robin arrived at the Tree of Knowledge, and asked Clover about her mother's whereabouts. As a wanted woman, Olvia wished to cut all ties with her daughter, so that Robin might not be associated with a criminal mother. Doing as Olvia wanted, Clover denied that Robin's mother was on the island, but Robin seemed skeptical. Clover quickly changed the topic and urged Robin to leave, and not to mention that she is an archaeologist, or she might be arrested too. Robin refused and CP9 bust into the Tree of Knowledge and began searching for the Poneglyphs outside, agents warned the island's residents to move to the evacuation boat, or be destroyed. Olvia confronted Spandine, the director of CP9 at the time, but was quickly subdued by the brute force of his agents
       Back at the Tree of Knowledge, all of the archaeologists were arrested and taken outside the tree, and once again Clover urged Robin to escape, but she refused once again. Spandine and the rest of CP9 arrived with a gravely wounded Olvia, who instantly recognized her daughter once her name is spoken CP9 found the Poneglyph in the basement of the tree, and Spandine sentenced the archaeologists to death by Buster Call. However, Clover began to speak out, talking to the Gorosei via Spandine's Den Den Mushi, stating his theory on why the government really wanted to keep the Void Century a secret. However, before Clover could reveal the name of the civilization he spoke of, he was shot point blank and mortally wounded
        Seeing that the battleships had already arrived, Saul rushed off to find Robin. As the attack on Ohara began, it was discovered that Robin also had the capacity to read Poneglyphs. As the bombardment began, Spandine and CP9 made their exit, Robin and Olvia reunited, and shortly afterwards, Saul arrived.

       It was then revealed that Saul was a former vice admiral, and aided Nico Olvia with her escape. Olvia asked Saul to make sure that her daughter was taken safely off the island, and told Robin that she must continue to live. Robin begged to stay with her mother, but Olvia insisted on staying, as there was something more that she had to do.

      Saul followed Olvia's wish and managed to reach the island's shore. But the Marine ships spotted him and opened fire. Seeing as he was carrying Robin, Saul put her down and retaliated in anger for almost hurting Robin, and destroyed several ships. Robin tried to make for the evacuation ship but trying to use her Hana Hana abilities to get aboard frightened the people on board, plus Spandine told them to not let her on since she claims she is an archaeologist, though this would be fortunate for Robin. Saul noticed Spandine and charged towards his ship for his foolishness, but Vice Admiral Kuzan (later known as Admiral Aokiji) prevented him from getting that far, challenging him.

       The evacuation ship was destroyed by another vice admiral, Sakazuki, who did it as a precaution if any archaeologist had snuck aboard this act disgusted both Saul and even Kuzan. Saul tried to get away with Robin but he was frozen by Kuzan's ice power. Before being completely encased, Saul encouraged Robin to escape and that her friends were out in the ocean waiting for her. His last act was to laugh as he is frozen, sticking to his philosophy to laugh from his heart even in bad times, as most of the bearers of D. did when they met their demise.

      Back at the Tree of Knowledge, Olvia, Clover and the other scholars had tossed out as many books into the ocean as they could so future generations could find them. They then realized there was nothing more they could do and stood in the tree as it burned around them. Olvia apologized to Robin for not leaving any parting words as a mother.


Ch6. Nami

6. Nami 

Age: 20

Birth: 3 July

Heigh: 170 cm

Bounty: 66,000,000

Ships:Going Merry&Thousand Sunny

Friendship: Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usoup ,Chopper, Brook, Frenky

Family: Bellmere And Nojiko

Clans: Humen

Nami is a pirate and the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. She was the third member of the crew and the second to join, doing so during the Orange Town Arc She was formerly a member of the Arlong Pirates and initially joined the Straw Hats in order to rob them for her real crew, but joined the Straw Hats for real after they rebelled against Arlong


        Being the assigned navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, Nami is responsible for evaluating the direction that the ship goes as they sail further into the sea. Nami also tends to act as the crew's de facto treasurer, managing the crew's money and allocating spending money whenever they arrive at a new location

Navigation and Cartography Expertise
        Nami is a highly skilled navigator and a talented cartographer. Arlong considered her skills on par with the fishmen "superiority" since they were superior to any fishman's. When Luffy destroyed her room at Arlong Park both bathymetric and geographic maps were seen, indicating that Nami has a wide variety of cartographic skills

       She is capable of formulating advanced equations in mere minutes to predict a precise course of action, although she usually needs to write the equations down on a physical medium when formulating them. She has a supernatural ability to sense changes in the weather and can even predict the emergence of supposedly unpredictable cyclones in the Grand Line

       Nami's fighting style focuses mainly on using the Clima-tact to manipulate the weather of her surroundings, also known as the "Art of Weather". Which when combined with her extensive knowledge of oceanography and weather systems, can be used for devastating results regardless of this conflict, due to her expertise she was able to combine several of its functions in order to pull off dangerous and useful techniques, like creating a mirage of herself, (Mirage Tempo) in order to distract her opponent, and a powerful lightning cloud (Thunderbolt Tempo)

Story Detail 

        Nami is an orphan of war from an unknown village, found by Bell-mère, a female Marine, on a hostile battlefield when she was still a baby. The marine adopted her and Nojiko, another orphan. The three became as close as a real family
        As a child, Nami developed a love for drawing maps and navigation, and the dream to draw a complete map of the world. However, Bell-mère's tangerine trees provided only meager means of support and they were unable to afford anything other than the bare necessities. As a result, Nami could not afford the navigation books, leading her to often steal them from the village bookshop. One day, Bell-mère scolded Nami when she got caught stealing; however, she applauded Nami's first drawing of the island as the first step of her dream to map the world and put faith into Nami that she really could do it

Ch5. Tony Tony Chopper

5.Tony Tony Chopper

Age: 17

Birth: 24 December

Heigh: 90 cm

Bounty: 100

Ships:Going Merry&Thousand Sunny

Friendship: Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usoup ,Chopper, Brook, Frenky

Family:  Hiluluk And Doctor Kureiha

Clans: beast

Tony Tony Chopper is the doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates. Chopper is a reindeer that ate a Devil Fruit called the Hito Hito no Mi. He came from Drum Island where he learned how to be a doctor, which also makes him the only member of the Straw Hat Pirates who was born on the Grand Line


        Chopper has eaten a Zoan-class Devil Fruit (the second Zoan-class Devil Fruit shown in the series, after Dalton) known as the Hito Hito no Mi, which allows him the ability to transform into a human and human-reindeer hybrid at will. However, the fruit has granted Chopper more than just the ability to transform; it has also given him human intelligence, which allows him to both speak and think like an actual human. This is what allowed Chopper to become a doctor and learn about medicine in the first place, which is impossible for a normal reindeer. While Chopper is usually seen in his human-reindeer hybrid form, which is a tanuki-like chibi-creature, he would sometimes transform into his human form to try and fit in with humans, often with minimal success. But when in combat, he also uses his Devil Fruit powers in order to fight his enemies with the strength given to him by the fruit and usually transforms into whatever form best suits the situation.

Rumber Ball 
        in addition to his three forms granted by his Devil Fruit, Chopper has also invented a yellow jaw-breaker like drug called the "Rumble Ball", through some research. This drug has the power to distort the wavelengths of the Devil Fruit's transformation, allowing him access to additional transformations for three minutes.
        However, due to the risk of this alteration, the Rumble Ball's consumption must be closely monitored, and for this reason Chopper cannot consume more than one every six hours. If he takes a second one, his transformations would become out of control. And if a third one is taken, Chopper transforms into a massive, berserk monstrosity (as witnessed at Enies Lobby and Sabaody Archipelago) with equally monstrous strength that requires lethal amounts of energy to keep active, making Chopper a danger to both himself as well as others.
         Chopper could transform into five different forms under the influence of the Rumble Ball: Jumping Point, Guard Point, Arm Point, Brain Point and Horn Point. After the two-year timeskip, he is seen being able to perform formidable martial art maneuvers with his new form called, "Kung Fu Point", a melding of Arm Point and Jumping Point, and is now able to produce a new "Horn Point" with larger "Stag Beetle" like antlers which are useful for digging in the ground at high speeds, along with a new and improved "Guard Point" which is now able to grow big and strong enough to protect the Thousand Sunny from one of the Kraken's tentacle's. In addition, he is able to utilize those forms without consuming a Rumble Ball; instead, eating a Rumble Ball now allows him to enter his most powerful form, Monster Point, and fight in it for three minutes. How he managed this is currently unknown

Story Detail
         Chopper was originally a reindeer with the slight oddity of a blue nose, which caused other reindeer, even his parents, to treat him as an outcast . When the young  reindeer ate the Hito Hito no Mi, however, his herd ostracized him (and with the increase in intelligence granted by the fruit, now acutely aware of it), and he struck out on his own. Unfortunately for Chopper, his attempts at communicating with the humans on Drum Island proved disastrous; villagers who mistook him for the Abominable Snowman shot him

       Luckily, though, he was rescued by the quack Dr. Hiluluk, who named him and took him in as his friend and "assistant". Although his deeds were of dubious medical value, Hiluluk became Chopper's role-model. Hiluluk taught Chopper his philosophy on life (that all diseases could be cured) and his strong faith in the Jolly Roger as a symbol of strength against all odds. The two went from house to house, administering their "cures" in a country where all doctors not sanctioned by King Wapol were banned.
       When Hiluluk's health worsened, Chopper was left in the cold again as the old man did not want Chopper to watch him die. Once Chopper found out what had happened, however, he vowed to find a cure for his mentor, his one and only friend. He soon found the cure he was looking for: an Amiudake, a special kind of mushroom with skull-and-crossbones prominently displayed in the medical book (although unaware of what that sign meant medically due to Hiluluk's praising of pirates and the jolly roger). Remembering what he overheard by some villagers that a "certain" type of mushroom can heal every illness, Chopper steals Hiluluk's favorite medical book to find the miracle mushroom. Chopper's arduous journey was a success, even though he risked his life and suffered many injuries, the worst of which occured when during his journey into the wilderness, in order to get to the mushroom, which was growing atop a treacherous cliff, he had to cross through the territory of his old herd
        Hiluluk, overwhelmed with tears of gratitude, ate the mushroom to show his love and appreciation to Chopper, (despite knowing that it would end his life) but Chopper would later find out from Dr. Kureha that he had given Hiluluk a fatal dose of poison. But Hiluluk was not to live much longer anyway. Declaring that he had a wonderful life (in the 4kids dub he declares he is a doctor) and after thanking Chopper, he committed suicide by blowing himself up outside of Drum Castle with a failed potion (before being killed by the poison, for Chopper's sake). Chopper, who had arrived to try and save him, was so upset over Hiluluk's death that and so angry that Wapol was making fun of it that he went completely berserk and tried to attack him, losing all control and running toward Wapol with a terrifying beastly roar. Dalton, who had heard Hiluluk's last words and realized that the monster he called his son was trying to attack Wapol he then stopped him. He then, with tears in his eyes, told him that he apologized for those who mocked Hiluluk's death but that he could not beat Wapol if he could not beat him. Chopper was brought out of his rage and then began to tear up as well at these kind words. He went to Kureha, waving Hiluluk's Jolly Roger outside her house and sobbing heavily, vowing that he would become a great doctor.
       Chopper is first seen following Kureha when she visited Cocoa Weed. She noted inflammation in Tamachibi's limbs and diagnosed a bacterial infection in his bones. With the villagers infuriated by Kureha's exorbitant fee, Chopper prepared to fight them but Kureha told him not to attack. Kureha and Chopper left with the supplies and money



Ch4. Frenky


Age: 36

Birth: 9 March

Heigh: 240 cm

Bounty: 94,000,000

Ships:Going Merry&Thousand Sunny

Friendship: Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usoup ,Chopper, Brook, Frenky

Family: Tom,Iceburg and Frenky Famaily

Clans: Humen

       He is came from South Blue he is a boat technician and he make the Thousand Sunny ship, he was originally the leader of the Franky Family he like disassembled ships to be sold and his body is steel
       He has a friend named Tom and he was followed Tom and him teach both of you Frenky likes to build weapons but Tom Like building a ship



Coup de Vent

      Franky connects both of his arms together with a T-shaped pipe then aims the remaining end of the pipe at his opponent. He then sucks massive amounts of air into his abnormally large arms (thus making them grow even larger) and when he reaches critical mass he fires a blast of compressed air that travels at the speed of sound at his opponent

Frenky Radical Beam

        that fires a powerful explosive laser beam instead of air, along with other powerful weaponry


        Frenky Shogun

        The Franky Shogun is a giant robot modeled after its name, a shogun, and is a one person weapon Franky himself is able to pilot it inside a control room in the chest and can operate it from there. It is equipped with a giant marauder's sword named "Franken


        Weapons Though Franky is seldom seen carrying weapons (owing to the fact that he stores several within his body), he has been shown to wield tools and implements from time to time, most notably his carpentry tools, though at other times, he is seen carrying conventional weapons that he seems to be able to wield proficiently. Such weapons include custom-built nunchucks and hand-held cannon

Story Detail


        When he was young his parents (who were pirates) threw him off their ship into the ocean. He was then rescued by the legendary shipwright Tom and Tom's other apprentice Iceburg  Franky learned shipbuilding from Tom, but he spent most of his time constructing warships designed to hunt and defeat Sea Kings
        When Franky was 12 years old, Tom was put on trial for having built the ship that the Pirate King Gold Roger sailed the Grand Line on. Tom made a deal that if in ten years he could build the Sea Train Puffing Tom, a train that could sail the ocean he would be pardoned. After fourteen years had passed (ten to build the train and the first line, four more to build the other three lines the train uses), the Marines were going to let Tom off as thanks for creating the train
       However, he was framed by CP5's current leader, Spandam, who was after the blueprints for the ancient weapon Pluton, which had been handed down to Tom through the shipwrights of Water 7. Spandam used the warships that Franky had built to fight the Sea Kings to attack Water 7, and although Tom and his apprentices stopped the attack, it appeared to everyone that they had been the ones attacking. As a result, Tom was sentenced to death. As Spandam was taking Tom away, Franky hit him in the face with a rifle. Franky later stood in front of the Puffing Tom, trying to rescue Tom. When he was run down by the train, his body was badly injured; he was presumed dead

       He managed to fix himself with spare parts from an abandoned ship and had "BF 36" tattooed on his shoulders, making himself the 36th and the named "Battle Franky"

Ch3. Roronoa Zoro

3.Roronoa Zoro

Age: 21

Birth: 11 November

Heigh: 181 Cm.

Bounty: 320,000,000

Ships:Going Merry&Thousand Sunny

Friendship: Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usoup ,Chopper, Brook, Frenky

Family: Dojo Sword

Clans: Humen

        Zoro also known as "Pirate Hunter Zoro" he is swordsman of straw hat group and he has three of swords 1.Meitou Shuusui 2.Sandai Kitetsu 3.Yubashiri
       He has a dream become No.1 of swordsman he is trained Dojo Sword he's in the best swordsman but he doesn't win the girl "Kushina"


       Santoryu is a style of sword fighting where the practitioner wields three Katana; one in each hand and one in the mouth
-Shishi Sonson including high speed attacks

-Onigiri direct hit attacks

-Hyaku Hachi Pound Ho compressed air projectile attacks

     the attacks he uses with two swords. Nitoryu  original fighting style when he began to learn how to wield a sword, before accepting Kuina's sword and practicing Santoryu
-Taka Nami while airborne, creates a powerful gust of wind to knock opponents over

-Sai Kuru he holds his swords in front of him pointing up, like rhinoceros horns, and spins quickly

-Nitoryu lai:Rashomon Zoro draws his swords, and sheaths them quickly, able to split two train carriages in half. Built in the year 789, the Rashomon was arguably the grandest and most famous gate in Kyoto

-Nanajuni Pound Ho Zoro holding his two swords horizontally above the shoulder, he then performs a circular swing that launches two air compressed projectiles spiraling towards the target instead of one, making it twice as powerful

-Nigiri  stance where two swords are held parallel so that the tips are pointing to his right or left side, this move is like a pre-requirement to perform Toro, Otoro, Hirameki and Maguma

-Toro two air-based projectile slashes are sent upwards while jumping as Zoro swings his swords in an upward motion

-Otoro two air-based projectile slashes are sent downwards while falling as Zoro swings his swords downwards, with the gravity complimenting the force of the attack

-Hirameki two air-based projectiles are sent forward after swinging both swords from the left or right side

-Samon two air-based projectiles are sent diagonally down and to the left or right after swinging both swords from the left or right

-Maguma  downward pound into the opponent with both swords


     he uses with one sword. As Zoro is left-handed, his Ittoryu techniques have nearly always been executed with his left hand

-Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson the technique backhand as opposed to from the waist with a standard grip on the sword. His very first Ittoryu attack, this was first seen used to finish

-Sanjuroku Pound Ho this attack uses the air itself to slash the target from a distance. To initiate it, Zoro first holds one of his swords horizontally above the shoulder of his sword arm, and then performs a circular swing that launches the air compressed projectile spiraling towards the target

-Hiryu: Kaen the animal or creature that usually accompanies Zoro in the background when performing powerful techniques is an occidental dragon

-Yakkodori Zoro launches from his sword a crescent moon-like projectile of compressed air to the opponent with great speed, similar to 36 Pound Cannon

-Sanbyakurokuju Pound Ho Zoro delivers a stronger version of his 36 Pound Cannon, which is presumably 10 times stronger than the original. It was first seen used against a big fish the Straw Hat Pirates caught

-Ittoryu Iai: Shi Shishi Sonson  this attack is strong enough to easily decapitate a legendary beast like a Dragon. It was first shown to decapitate

-Daishinkan  Zoro running towards his opponent with Shusui held outstretched in one arm. He then executes a two handed overhead swing used to split his opponent into two from the top down the attack still resulted in a powerful shock wave that cut through the floor many meters ahead of him

-Baki  After raising his sword above his head, Zoro delivers a powerful vertical slice to his opponent. This attack can easily slice through solid stone

Story Detail
        After Kuina death After Kuina death he ragged that was unable to overcome she, he decided to leaved he travel until he met Juracule Mihawk he lose him until after time skip 2 year Zoro trained by  Juracule Mihawk and he promise he undefeated

Ch2. Vinsmoke Sanji

2.Vinsmoke Sanji

Age: 21

Birth: 2 March

Heigh: 180 Cm.


Ships:Going Merry&Thousand Sunny

Friendship: Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usoup ,Chopper, Brook, Frenky

Family: Vismoke Family

Clans: Humen

        He is the chef of straw hat group he came from north blue and used to work at Baratie he has a master Red leg zeff  he worked on this for many year and he had very cook experience
        As a member of the infamous Vinsmoke Family, Sanji was raised and trained from an early age (along with the rest of his siblings) in the ways of warfare and combat like his siblings, he also received genetic enhancements from his father, designed to endow him with superhuman abilities but despite this, however, the enhancements were not successful
       One day Sanji ran a way from home until he was a pirate ship, robbed he fell into the sea he was helped by Red leg zeff



1.Diable Jambe

        This technique spinning at high speeds, thus heating up his leg due to friction 
  where he heats up his leg, adding extreme heat to the impact of his kicks.In this form, Sanji, due to the high temperature has the ability to burn his opponents if Sanji uses it for too long or too frequently he could cause serious injury to his body. Below is the list of techniques that Sanji utilized when Diable Jambe was activated



2.Sky Walk

        him, respectively, to great speeds and to move through the air (similar to flying) he is also the best swimmer on the crew.


         Sanji possesses the ability to use two forms of Haki: Kenbunshoku Haki and Busoshoku Haki. Although it is unknown if he can use it, he also knows about Haoshoku Haki, 

Story Detail

        After mother death he wanted to dream of mother he find all blue this place it is included as one of the sea the fish that are coming from different places abound

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